
Utstilling: Sara Skorgan Teigen - The Fool

Om sorg var et sted eller rom / hvor ville det vært / hvordan ville det sett ut /
hvordan ville det føles å være inne i det / hva slags kvaliteter ville det hatt / ville det bodd noen der?

The Fool is an interactive installation about collective complex emotions like loss and trauma.

It consists of three pieces and the present artist in her rolecharacter The Fool. They will develop the space during the week.

The Fool, the artistbook, 2021.
Photography, blind emboss print, collage, embroidery.

Sharing Tent, 2020-.
Four persons tent, embroidery, photo transfer, woolsocks.

The Elephants in the Room, 2019.
Photography, embroidery.

The exhibition is part of AVGANG 2021, BA in Material based arts from Oslo Academy of the Arts.

Opening hours: 11.05-16.05
Weekdays 12.00-17.00
Weekend: 12.00-16.00.

The Fool will be present until 15.00 each day.
